Hello! My name is D'Asia Session, I am the founder of the Enlighten a Nation Foundation! I figured a blog is a nice way to introduce myself as not only the creator of EAN (Enlighten a Nation), but also the person behind the blogs (since there will be others).
I'm the mother of a beautiful little girl, a college graduate and an ETL Developer. I created this foundation because I wanted to give back to my community in a way that encourages black women to pursue higher education, if they'd like, and get a little bit of extra help on the way.
This foundation's key purpose is to give single Black mothers a chance at winning a $500 scholarship that can go towards anything they see fit. Whether that be textbooks, a computer for school, car insurance or clothes for their child(ren). I was the recipient of a scholarship from the Nurse Family Partnership years back and it not only went towards college expenses but necessities for my daughter and I. It helped me immensely and now I want to do the same thing for others. Thank you for reading and I hope you take advantage of all the resources we'll have to offer.